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We are excited you are taking time to look into Freedom Fellowship Church. We are a non-denominational community of Christian believers, who are committed to sharing God's love with all people regardless of race, ethnicity, or background. We believe that every Christian church has a distinct purpose to advance God's kingdom plan to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, to meet the needs of the less fortunate, and to influence the communities we are called to serve. We continue to pray and believe that God is leading people like you to become a part of our church family, so that together we will see God’s love and freedom change individual lives, our community, and the world.

About Us
Our History 

Freedom Fellowship Church is the fulfillment of the vision of Pohick Bay Church in Lorton, Virginia to plant churches. The vision to plant a church always begins in the heart of God. God places that vision in the hearts of people. There were six families who followed God’s call to step out on faith and labor with the initial launching of the church plant in the Dale City area.  Those founding church members began meeting in the summer of 2002 in various homes and even in local parks.  In the fall of 2002 God opened up an opportunity for the members to meet in a local facility and Sunday services began at Beville Middle School. On September 15, 2002 the church celebrated its inaugural service. The new church experienced growth and accumulated several more families sharing the same vision and values. 

The members were searching for a larger facility. They noticed an old movie theater located on Dale Blvd.   By God’s favor, the church members secured the lease under very favorable terms in November of 2002.  After months of intense, laborious and faithful work, church members transformed an old run-down movie theater into a beautiful sanctuary for God and His people.


Finally, In May of 2003, FFC began to have regular services at this new location.  God has done exceedingly and abundantly good things, above all that we could have ever imagined or thought in such a short period of time. We know God’s hand is with us, and that this is only the beginning of what will be an even greater outpouring of God’s grace and blessings for the people known as Freedom Fellowship Church."


Mission and Purpose

 Mission:  To build (make) disciples who are committed to advancing the kingdom of God by God’s power resulting in changed lives, a changed community, and a changed world.  In fulfillment of the “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8) of Jesus Christ we are committed to:


  • Going out and Proclaiming God’s Love

  • Making Disciples

  • Baptizing New Believers, and 

  • Teaching Biblical Truth  


 Purpose:  To impart freedom and love found only in Jesus Christ, who enables us to equip people to find their identity and function in the Kingdom of God.


* FFC is a non-denominational church plant which is apostolically covered by the One Focus Network of Churches.

 We encourage you to read our Covenant Handbook for a more in depth look at our Vision, Values, and History.


Our Denomination

Freedom Fellowship Church is a non/interdenominational church. Non-denominational and Interdenominational Churches are nothing new. There have always been groups of believers who simply called themselves Christians. (Acts 11:26) Today, these believers are not identified with any one denomination, but they emphasize the attitude and practice of accepting other Christians of evangelical convictions, regardless of their denomination, for the purpose of fellowship, encouragement, and ministry. No one is excluded, except when there are biblical grounds to do so.


Our Affiliation

While Freedom Fellowship Church maintains an inherent right to sovereignty in the conduct of its own affairs, we recognize and support our partnership with One Focus Network sustaining a spirit of cooperation and mutual counsel.

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